April 21, 2002
Hockley Valley Provincial
Nature Reserve - 3rd Line
Meeting report and photos by Alexis Burnett

We started out on our Earth Day hike/sit on a
beautiful spring day . It wasn't long before we found many signs of
spring all around us. One of the first things that we saw was a huge
nest about 25-30 feet above the ground in a white pine. We guessed
that it belonged to a large raptor/owl because of the size. There
didn't seem to be any birds coming and going, but it did look
'freshly' built and from later discovery (another visit), what
looked to be a broad-wing hawk feather was found? |
A little farther down the trail we passed by a beautiful
area in the hardwood forest that was abounding with many blooming
wildflowers. We stopped here and explored this small hill-side for quite
some time as many people passed us on the trail. There were so many
discoveries to be made that we could not go any faster!

Some of the wildflowers
Dutchman's breeches,

trilliums, |
blue cohosh, |
and trout lilies, among
many others. |
It felt so good to investigate
these many amazing plants growing on this rich hill-side. Every one that
was with us had a lot to share and we all learned from one another as we
moved slowly down the trail. We came upon a number of fallen butternut
trees and we speculated as to why so many of them had fallen down in the
previous years? We also came across some bitternut trees and were very
excited to make this discovery. There was one large tree and lots of
little ones surrounding its base. It's amazing how once you become aware
of something how it seems to jump out at you from that point on! |
We stopped for a short lunch break at the top of one of
the hills and here we found a good spot for a rest.
Throughout the hike we were all very thankful for the the
many beauties of spring that surrounded us and the splendor of creation. It
seemed to be the voices of the plant world that captured most of our
attention on this day and we were not short of things to discover and
investigate. As we walked down the trail One of us thought that he heard a
broadwing hawk and as we looked up over-head we could see two broadwings
soaring on the wind making their loud piercing call. What a truly amazing
After this sighting we also spotted a porcupine feeding,
high up in a poplar tree. By the time we finished the loop it was getting
late in the afternoon and we decided that it was time to end this
beautiful day. |
Although we had originally planned a sit on this day it was
clear that we had accomplished that which we set out to do -- be thankful
for our lives and the many beauties of creation that surrounded us
throughout our walk. At the end of the day we all felt very much a part of
the natural world and happy that we had the chance to make these many
discoveries together on this beautiful day.
Thanks to all those who took part. We hope to see you
all again soon. |

Six-spotted beetle

Wild ginger